EE4C04 Control system design
Topics: Concepts in systems theory and feedback control design
- State-space description of single-input, single-output linear dynamic systems, interconnections, block diagrams
- Linearization, equilibria, stability, Lyapunov functions and the Lyapunov equation
- Dynamic response, relation to modes, the matrix exponential
- Realization of transfer function models by state space descriptions, coordinate changes, canonical forms
- Controllability, stabilizability, uncontrollable modes and pole-placement by state-feedback
- Application of LQ regulator
- Observability, detectability, unobservable modes, state-estimation observer design
- Output feedback synthesis and separation principle
- Reference signal modeling, integral action for zero steady-state error
Study Goals
By taking this course, the student- will be able to master the introduced theoretical concepts in systems theory and feedback control design and
- will be able to practically apply these concepts to design projects and tasks
- will be capable to implement these concepts into model-based controller synthesis procedures through Matlab and Simulink
- and will be able to relate the learned concepts and techniques to other more specialized ones, to potentially integrate them by taking adjacent courses.
- Translate differential equation models into state-space and transfer function descriptions
- Rationalize differences between state-space and transfer function approaches
- Linearize a system, determine its equilibrium points, analyze directly its local stability, leverage Lyapunov theory to study general stability properties
- Describe the effect of eigenvalue/pole locations to the dynamic system response in time/frequency domain. Contrast step and impulse responses. Analyze transients and steady-state
- Investigate model controllability. Formulate and apply the procedure of pole-placement by state-feedback, as well as LQ optimal state-feedback control
- Derive observability properties. Formulate and apply the procedure of state estimation and build converging observers
- Formulate the separation principle and employ it for the design of output feedback
- Build reference models and achieve zero steady-state error using integral control.
A.J. van den Boom
Last modified: 2019-12-16

Credits: | 5 EC |
Period: | 4/0/0/0 |