MSc thesis project proposal
Hernia post-operative monitoring
The monitoring can be achieved by measuring the distance between two points around the wound. There are a number of options and these will need to be investigated, but all have to be compatible with the subcutaneous environment. Eventually, this device should be incorporated into a mesh, which can be used as prophylaxis after the normal surgical procedure. Options to be considered are measuring stress in a special suture, or measuring the distance between two points. The system should able to distinguish between the patient bending over and a gradual opening of the wound. This project is in collaboration with Erasmus Medical Centre, where part of the project will allow you to conduct experiments in the anatomical lab, on post-mortem human specimens, working together with doctors, researchers and medical students.Assignment
To investigate the options for measuring the distance between two points in the tissue. Fabricating devices TestingContact
prof.dr. Paddy French
Bioelectronics Group
Department of Microelectronics
Last modified: 2021-06-24