Stoyan Nihtianov
- A 117-dB In-Band CMRR 98.5-dB SNR Capacitance-to-Digital Converter for Sub-nm Displacement Sensing With an Electrically Floating Target
Hui Jiang; Samira Amani; Johan G. Vogel; Saleh Heidary Shalmany; Stoyan Nihtianov;
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters,
Volume 3, pp. 9--12, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/lssc.2019.2952851 - An Energy-Efficient 3.7nV/√Hz Bridge-Readout IC with a Stable Bridge Offset Compensation Scheme
H. Jiang; S. Nihtianov; K.A.A. Makinwa;
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,
Volume 53, pp. 856-864, 3 2019. DOI: 10.1109/JSSC.2018.2885556
Abstract: ...
This paper describes an energy-efficient bridge readout IC (ROIC), which consists of a capacitively coupled instrumentation amplifier (CCIA) that drives a continuous-time delta-sigma modulator (CTΔΣM). By exploiting the CCIA's ability to block dc common-mode voltages, the bridge's bias voltage may exceed the ROIC's supply voltage, allowing these voltages to be independently optimized. Since bridge output is typically much smaller than bridge offset, a digital to analog converter (DAC) is used to compensate this offset before amplification and thus increase the CCIA's useful dynamic range. Bridge loading is reduced by using a dual-path positive feedback scheme to boost the CCIA's input impedance. Furthermore, the CCIA's output is gated to avoid digitizing its output spikes, which would otherwise limit the ROIC's linearity and stability. The ROIC achieves an input-referred noise density of 3.7 nV/√Hz, a noise efficiency factor (NEF) of 5, and a power efficiency factor (PEF) of 44, which both represent the state of the art. A pressure sensing system, built with the ROIC and a differential pressure sensor (AC4010), achieves 10.1-mPa (1ιι) resolution in a 0.5-ms conversion time. The ROIC dissipates about 30% of the system's power dissipation and contributes about 6% of its noise power. To reduce the sensor's offset drift, a temperature compensation scheme based on an external reference resistor is used. After a two-point calibration, this scheme reduces bridge offset drift by 80× over a 50 °C range. - An accurate and power-efficient period-modulator-based interface for grounded capacitive sensors
Arash Ahmadpour Bijargah; Ali Heidary; Pooya Torkzadeh; Stoyan Nihtianov;
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications,
May 2019. DOI: 10.1002/cta.2642
Abstract: ...
A low‐power and high‐resolution capacitance‐to‐period converter (CPC) based on period modulation (PM) for subnanometer displacement measurement systems is proposed. The presented circuit employs the interface developed in a previous work, “a grounded capacitance‐to‐voltage converter (CVC) based on a zoom‐in structure,” further improving its performance through a symmetrical design of the applied autocalibration technique. The scheme is based on the use of a relaxation oscillator. To minimize the error contributed by the CPC circuitry, different precision techniques such as chopping, autocalibration, and active shielding are applied. The proposed CPC is realized in a 0.18‐μm complementary metal‐oxide‐semiconductor (CMOS) technology, occupies an area of 0.5 mm2, and consumes 135 μA from a 2‐V power supply. In order to achieve optimal performance and avoid overdesigning, a noise estimation of various parts of the CPC has been done. Accordingly, for a 10‐pF sensor capacitance, the overall CPC demonstrates a capacitance resolution of 0.5 fF for a latency of 128 microseconds, corresponding to an effective number of bits (ENOB) of 12.5 bits and an energy efficiency of 6 pJ/step. The nonlinearity error has been evaluated as well, resulting in a less than 0.03% full‐scale span (FSS). - An Energy-Efficient 3.7nV/√Hz Bridge-Readout IC with a Stable Bridge Offset Compensation Scheme
H. Jiang; S. Nihtianov; K.A.A. Makinwa;
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,
Volume 53, Issue 3, pp. 856-864, 3 2019. DOI: 10.1109/JSSC.2018.2885556
Abstract: ...
This paper describes an energy-efficient bridge readout IC (ROIC), which consists of a capacitively coupled instrumentation amplifier (CCIA) that drives a continuous-time delta-sigma modulator (CTΔΣM). By exploiting the CCIA's ability to block dc common-mode voltages, the bridge's bias voltage may exceed the ROIC's supply voltage, allowing these voltages to be independently optimized. Since bridge output is typically much smaller than bridge offset, a digital to analog converter (DAC) is used to compensate this offset before amplification and thus increase the CCIA's useful dynamic range. Bridge loading is reduced by using a dual-path positive feedback scheme to boost the CCIA's input impedance. Furthermore, the CCIA's output is gated to avoid digitizing its output spikes, which would otherwise limit the ROIC's linearity and stability. The ROIC achieves an input-referred noise density of 3.7 nV/√Hz, a noise efficiency factor (NEF) of 5, and a power efficiency factor (PEF) of 44, which both represent the state of the art. A pressure sensing system, built with the ROIC and a differential pressure sensor (AC4010), achieves 10.1-mPa (1ιι) resolution in a 0.5-ms conversion time. The ROIC dissipates about 30% of the system's power dissipation and contributes about 6% of its noise power. To reduce the sensor's offset drift, a temperature compensation scheme based on an external reference resistor is used. After a two-point calibration, this scheme reduces bridge offset drift by 80× over a 50 °C range. - An Energy Efficiency Figure of Merit for Radio Transceivers
Reza Taherkhani; Stoyan Nihtianov;
In 2019 IEEE Radio and Antenna Days of the Indian Ocean (RADIO),
IEEE, September 2019. DOI: 10.23919/radio46463.2019.8968843
Abstract: ...
Selection of an energy efficient wireless transceiver is an important step in the design of any low power wireless system, specifically wireless sensor networks or IoT devices. In this paper, a figure of merit (FoM) for evaluating the energy efficiency of wireless radio transceivers is proposed. Using this FoM, it is possible to easily compare the performance of transceivers built with completely different technologies, in term of energy efficiency. This FoM can be used as a practical tool for researchers and engineers to evaluate wireless transceivers and determine the state-of-the-art or select a desired transceiver. - Power Consumption Optimization of a Wireless Temperature Sensor Node Using Unidirectional Communication
Reza Taherkhani; Stoyan Nihtianov;
In 2019 IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN),
IEEE, July 2019. DOI: 10.1109/indin41052.2019.8972226 - Measurement substrate and a measurement method
S. Nihtianov; R.H.M.J. Bloks; J.P.M. de la Rosette; T.S.M. Laurent; K.A.A. Makinwa, P.J. Neefs, J.P.M.B. Vermeulen;
Patent, United States US10508896B2, December 2019.
Abstract: ...
A measurement substrate for measuring a condition pertaining in an apparatus for processing production substrates during operation thereof, the measurement substrate including: a body having dimensions compatible with the apparatus; a plurality of sensor modules embedded in the body, each sensor module having: a sensor configured generate an analog measurement signal, an analog to digital converter to generate digital measurement information from the analog measurement signal, and a module controller configured to output the digital measurement information; and a central control module configured to receive the digital measurement information from each of the module controllers and to communicate the digital measurement information to an external device.
document - Lithographic apparatus and device manufacturing method involving a heater
T.P.M. Cadee; JHW Jacobs; N ten Kate; E.R. Loopstra; A.L.H.J. van Meer; J.J.S.M. Mertens; C.G.M. de Mol; M.J.E.H. Muitjens; A.J. van der Net; J.J. Ottens; J.A. Quaedackers; M.E. Reuhman-huisken; M.K. Stavenga; Marco ;
Patent, United States US20190235397A1, August 2019.
Abstract: ...
A lithographic apparatus is described having a liquid supply system configured to at least partly fill a space between a projection system of the lithographic apparatus and a substrate with liquid, a barrier member arranged to substantially contain the liquid within the space, and a heater.
document - Self-aligning and self-calibrating capacitive sensor system for displacement measurement in inaccessible industrial environments
Oscar S. van de Ven; Johan G. Vogel; Sha Xia; Jo W. Spronck; Stoyan Nihtianov;
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,
Volume 67, Issue 2, pp. 350-358, Feb 2018. DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2017.2764333
Abstract: ...
High-precision positioning often requires high speed and high resolution displacement measurements in order to compensate for the small vibrations of critical components. The displacement sensor must be precise and stable over a long period of time to avoid expensive recalibration. This requires tight mounting tolerances, which are especially difficult to meet in inaccessible environments. The proposed sensor system is based on a capacitive sensor and consists of three subsystems: 1) a mechanical “zoom-in” system that performs self-alignment of the capacitive sensor electrode in order to reduce the mounting tolerances of the sensor; 2) a real-time capacitance-to-digital converter that employs an internal reference and electrical zoom-in technique to effectively reduce the dynamic range of the measured capacitance, thus improving the power efficiency; and 3) a self-calibration circuit that periodically calibrates the internal references to eliminate their drift. In previous publications, the three subsystems have been introduced. This paper shows how the different subsystems can be integrated to achieve optimal performance and presents new repeatability and stability measurement results. The overall system demonstrates a displacement measurement resolution of 65 pm (in terms of capacitance 65 aF) for a measurement time of 20 μs . Furthermore, the thermal drift of the sensor is within 6 ppm/K, owing to the self-calibration circuit. In measurement mode, the system consumes less than 16 mW. - A 4.5 nV/\sqrtHz Capacitively-Coupled Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta Modulator with an Energy-Efficient Chopping Scheme
H. Jiang; C. Ligouras; S. Nihtianov; K.A.A. Makinwa;
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters,
Volume 1, pp. 18-21, 2018. DOI: 10.1109/LSSC.2018.2803447
Abstract: ...
When chopping is applied to a continuous-time sigmadelta modulator (CTΣΔM), quantization noise fold-back often occurs, leading to increased in-band noise. This can be prevented by employing a return-to-zero (RZ) digital-to-analog converter (RZ DAC) in the modulator's feedback path and arranging the chopping transitions to coincide with its RZ phases. In this letter, this technique has been extended and implemented in an energy-efficient CTΣΔM intended for the readout of Wheatstone bridge sensors. To achieve a wide common-mode input range, the modulator's summing node is implemented as an embedded capacitively coupled instrumentation amplifier which can be readily combined with a highly linear 1-bit capacitive RZ DAC. Measurements show that the proposed chopping scheme does not suffer from quantization noise fold-back and also allows a flexible choice of chopping frequency. When chopped at one-tenth of the sampling frequency, the modulator achieves 15 ppm INL, 4.5 nV/√Hz input-referred noise and a state-of-the-art noise efficiency factor of 6.1. - A 19.8 mW Sub-nanometer Eddy-current Displacement Sensor Interface
V. Chaturvedi; M.R. Nabaviy; J.G. Vogel; K.A.A. Makinwa; S. Nihtianov;
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,
Volume 53, pp. 2273-2283, 5 2018. DOI: 10.1109/JSSC.2018.2832168
Abstract: ...
This paper presents an eddy-current sensor (ECS) interface intended for sub-nanometer (sub-nm) displacement sensing in hi-tech applications. The interface employs a 126-MHz excitation frequency to mitigate the skin effect, and achieve high resolution and stability. An efficient on-chip sensor offset compensation scheme is introduced which removes sensoroffset proportional to the standoff distance. To assist in the ratiometric suppression of noise and drift of the excitation oscillator, the ECS interface consists of a highly linear amplitude demodulation scheme that employs passive capacitors for voltageto-current (V2I) conversion. Using a printed circuit board-based pseudo-differential ECS, stability tests were performed which demonstrated a thermal drift of <;7.3 nm/°C and long-term drift of only 29.5 nm over a period of 60 h. The interface achieves an effective noise floor of 13.4 pm/√Hz which corresponds to a displacement resolution of 0.6 nm in a 2-kHz noise bandwidth. The ECS interface is fabricated in TSMC 0.18-μm CMOS technology and dissipates only 19.8 mW from a 1.8-V supply. - A 19.8 mW Sub-nanometer Eddy-current Displacement Sensor Interface
V. Chaturvedi; M.R. Nabaviy; J.G. Vogel; K.A.A. Makinwa; S. Nihtianov;
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,
Volume 53, Issue 8, pp. 2273-2283, 5 2018. DOI: 10.1109/JSSC.2018.2832168
Abstract: ...
This paper presents an eddy-current sensor (ECS) interface intended for sub-nanometer (sub-nm) displacement sensing in hi-tech applications. The interface employs a 126-MHz excitation frequency to mitigate the skin effect, and achieve high resolution and stability. An efficient on-chip sensor offset compensation scheme is introduced which removes sensoroffset proportional to the standoff distance. To assist in the ratiometric suppression of noise and drift of the excitation oscillator, the ECS interface consists of a highly linear amplitude demodulation scheme that employs passive capacitors for voltageto-current (V2I) conversion. Using a printed circuit board-based pseudo-differential ECS, stability tests were performed which demonstrated a thermal drift of <;7.3 nm/°C and long-term drift of only 29.5 nm over a period of 60 h. The interface achieves an effective noise floor of 13.4 pm/√Hz which corresponds to a displacement resolution of 0.6 nm in a 2-kHz noise bandwidth. The ECS interface is fabricated in TSMC 0.18-μm CMOS technology and dissipates only 19.8 mW from a 1.8-V supply. - A 4.5 nV/\sqrtHz Capacitively-Coupled Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta Modulator with an Energy-Efficient Chopping Scheme
H. Jiang; C. Ligouras; S. Nihtianov; K.A.A. Makinwa;
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters,
Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 18-21, 2018. DOI: 10.1109/LSSC.2018.2803447
Abstract: ...
When chopping is applied to a continuous-time sigmadelta modulator (CTΣΔM), quantization noise fold-back often occurs, leading to increased in-band noise. This can be prevented by employing a return-to-zero (RZ) digital-to-analog converter (RZ DAC) in the modulator's feedback path and arranging the chopping transitions to coincide with its RZ phases. In this letter, this technique has been extended and implemented in an energy-efficient CTΣΔM intended for the readout of Wheatstone bridge sensors. To achieve a wide common-mode input range, the modulator's summing node is implemented as an embedded capacitively coupled instrumentation amplifier which can be readily combined with a highly linear 1-bit capacitive RZ DAC. Measurements show that the proposed chopping scheme does not suffer from quantization noise fold-back and also allows a flexible choice of chopping frequency. When chopped at one-tenth of the sampling frequency, the modulator achieves 15 ppm INL, 4.5 nV/√Hz input-referred noise and a state-of-the-art noise efficiency factor of 6.1. - Integrated inductive displacement sensors for harsh industrial environments
Mohammad R. Nabavi; Vikram Chaturvedi; Johan G. Vogel; Stoyan Nihtianov;
In Smart Sensors and MEMS: Intelligent Sensing Devices and Microsystems for Industrial Applications,
Woodhead Publishing, 2018. - Auto-alignment of a High-Precision Eddy-current Displacement Sensor Using a Thermal Slider Actuator
J.G. Vogel; Stoyan Nihtianov;
In Proceedings of the 18th international conference of the EUSPEN,
pp. 171 -- 2, 2018. - Probe design for high-precision eddy-current displacement sensors
Vogel, Johan G.; Chaturvedi, Vikram; Nihtianov, Stoyan;
In Proceedings of the 44th annual conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON),
2018. - Shieldless eddy-current displacement sensor withimproved measurement sensitivity
Vogel, Johan G.; Chaturvedi, Vikram; Nihtianov, Stoyan;
In Proc. XXVII International Scientific Conference Electronics, Sozopol, Bulgaria,
2018. - A 117DB in-Band CMRR 98.5DB SNR Capacitance-to-Digital Converter for Sub-NM Displacement Sensing with an Electrically Floating Target
H. Jiang; S. Amani; J. G. Vogel; S. H. Shalmany; S. Nihtianov;
In 2018 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits,
pp. 159-160, June 2018. DOI: 10.1109/VLSIC.2018.8502363
Keywords: ...
analogue-digital conversion;CMOS integrated circuits;displacement measurement;nanosensors;high-performance capacitance-to-digital converter;in-band common-mode rejection ratio;decent electric field interference immunity;displacement sensor probe;CDC;electrically floating target;sub-nm displacement sensing;power 560.0 muW;time 1.0 ms;frequency 1.0 kHz;Sensors;Electrodes;Interference;Energy efficiency;Electric fields;Capacitors;Signal to noise ratio. - Eddy-Current Sensing Principle in Inertial Sensors
J. G. Vogel; V. Chaturvedi; S. Nihtianov;
IEEE Sensors Letters,
Volume 1, Issue 5, pp. 1-4, 2017. DOI: 10.1109/LSENS.2017.2737940
Keywords: ...
Eddy-current sensing;high-resolution;inertial sensor;thermal sensitivity.
Abstract: ...
The eddy-current displacement sensing principle is, to the best of our knowledge, not yet used in inertial sensors. The main reasons for this are the important performance limitations of the existing eddy-current sensor solutions, such as: low sensitivity, poor stability, high power consumption and bulkiness. Our novel high-frequency Eddy-Current Displacement Sensor (ECDS), however, has significantly improved performance with respect to these limitations and allows the use of planar, stable coils, making it a viable candidate for use in inertial sensors. An implementation example of an ECDS-based inertial sensor with a bandwidth of 370 Hz and a noise floor of 13 um/Hz^0.5 is proposed. Although not yet competitive with state-of-the-art inertial sensors, it performs better than other types of inductive accelerometers and offers the inherent advantages of ECDSs, such as insensitivity to the environment. - A Precision Capacitance-to-Digital Converter with 16.7-bit ENOB and 7.5 ppm/°C Thermal Drift
R. Yang; M. A. P. Pertijs; S. Nihtianov;
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,
Volume 52, Issue 11, pp. 3018-3031, November 2017. DOI: 10.1109/jssc.2017.2734900
Abstract: ...
This paper presents a high-precision capacitance-to-digital converter (CDC) for displacement measurement in advanced industrial applications, based on a charge-balancing third-order delta–sigma modulator. To achieve high precision, this CDC employs a precision external resistive reference and a quartz-oscillator-based time reference instead of a reference capacitor. To minimize the error contribution of the CDC circuitry, various precision circuit techniques, such as chopping and auto-zeroing, are applied at both system and circuit level. Measurement results of the prototype realized in 0.35-μm CMOS technology show that the CDC achieves an rms resolution of 42 aF across a capacitance range from 6 to 22 pF, corresponding to an effective number of bits (ENOB) of 16.7 bit. The conversion time for one measurement is 10.5 ms, during which the CDC consumes 230 μA from a 3.3-V single supply. The measured thermal stability is within ±7.5 ppm/°C across a temperature range from 20 °C to 70 °C, which represents a significant improvement compared to the state of the art. After a two-point calibration, all ten measured samples from one batch show absolute accuracy below ±25 fF across the entire capacitance measurement range. - A doping-less junction-formation mechanism between n-silicon and an atomically thin boron layer
V. Mohammadi; S. Nihtianov; C. Fang;
Scientific Reports,
Volume 7, Issue 1, 2017. cited By 0. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-13100-0
Abstract: ...
The interest in nanostructures of silicon and its dopants has significantly increased. We report the creation of an ultimately-shallow junction at the surface of n-type silicon with excellent electrical and optical characteristics made by depositing an atomically thin boron layer at a relatively low temperature where no doping of silicon is expected. The presented experimental results and simulations of the ab initio quantum mechanics molecular dynamics prove that the structure of this new type of junction differs from all other known rectifying junctions at this time. An analysis of the junction formation has led to the conclusion that the chemical interaction between the surface atoms of crystalline silicon and the first atomic layer of the as-deposited amorphous boron is the dominant factor leading to the formation of a depletion zone in the crystalline silicon which originates from the surface. The simulation results show a very strong electric field across the c-Si/a-B interface systems where the charge transfer occurs mainly from the interface Si atoms to the neighboring B atoms. This electric field appears to be responsible for the creation of a depletion zone in the n-silicon resulting in a rectifying junction-formation between the n-silicon and the atomically thin boron layer.
document - New Trends in Smart Sensors for Industrial Applications - Part I
S. Nihtianov; Z. Tan; B. George;
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,
Volume 64, Issue 9, pp. 7281-7283, Sept 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2017.2725558
Keywords: ...
manufacturing systems;sensors;industrial systems;production equipment;sensor performance;smart sensors;Intelligent sensors;Performance evaluation;Sensor arrays;Sensor phenomena and characterization;Smart devices;Special issues and sections;Wireless sensor networks.
Abstract: ...
In modern industry, productivity, quality, reliability, and safety heavily depend on the performance of the sensors employed. They form an interface between the production equipment and the surrounding environment providing feedback based on the results of the executed operations. Thus, sensors can be found in an extremely wide range of applications in industrial systems, in which they play a very important role. The first element in any control and measurement system is the sensor itself. Sensor performance defines the performance of the control/measurement system and that of the industrial system as a whole. It is not possible to distinguish between correct and incorrect information provided by a sensor, unless additional information provided by another sensor is used. This validates the statement: No machine can perform better than its sensors. - New Trends in Smart Sensors for Industrial Applications - Part II
S. Nihtianov; Z. Tan; B. George;
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,
Volume 64, Issue 12, pp. 9592-9594, Dec 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2017.2758038
Keywords: ...
Capacitive sensors;Gas detectors;Intelligent sensors;Magnetic sensors;Special issues and sections;Tactile sensors.
Abstract: ...
This Special Section is dedicated to the latest trends in smart sensors for industrial applications. It has in total 26 papers, published in two parts, each consisting of 13 papers. In the Guest Editorial of Part I, published in the September 2017 issue, we validate the indispensable role sensors have in modern industry. Productivity, quality, reliability, and safety heavily depend on the performance of the sensors employed. This is because sensors form an interface between the production equipment and the surrounding environment and provide feedback based on the results of the executed operations. Consequently, sensors can be found in an extremely wide range of applications in industrial systems. Here, we introduce and briefly summarize the remaining 13 papers from this "Special Section on New Trends in Smart Sensors for Industrial Applications" of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics . - Stability, local structure and electronic properties of borane radicals on the Si(100) 2x1:H surface: A first-principles study
C.M. Fang; V. Mohammadi; S. Nihtianov; M.H.F. Sluiter;
Computational Materials Science,
Volume 140, Issue Supplement C, pp. 253 - 260, 2017. DOI:
Keywords: ...
Borane deposition, H passivated Si(001) surface, PureB process, Ab initio calculations.
Abstract: ...
Abstract Deposition of a thin B layer via decomposition of B2H6 on Si (PureB process) produces B-Si junctions which exhibit unique electronic and optical properties. Here we present the results of our systematic first-principles study of BHn (n=0-3) radicals on Si(100)2x1:H surfaces, the initial stage of the PureB process. The calculations reveal an unexpectedly high stability of BH2 and BH3 radicals on the surface and a plausible atomic exchange mechanism of surface Si atoms with B atoms from absorbed BHn radicals. The calculations show strong local structural relaxation and reconstructions, as well as strong chemical bonding between the surface Si and the BHn radicals. Electronic structure calculations show various defect states in the energy gap of Si due to the BHn absorption. These results shed light on the initial stages of the complicated PureB process and also rationalize the unusual electronic, optical and electrical properties of the deposited Si surfaces.
document - Advances in Capacitive, Eddy Current, and Magnetic Displacement Sensors and Corresponding Interfaces
B. George; Z. Tan; S. Nihtianov;
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,
Volume 64, Issue 12, pp. 9595-9607, Dec 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2017.2726982
Keywords: ...
capacitance measurement;capacitive sensors;displacement measurement;eddy currents;electric current measurement;inductance measurement;inductive sensors;magnetic field measurement;magnetic sensors;position measurement;absolute displacement measurement;absolute displacement sensors;acceleration measurement;capacitive sensors;eddy current sensors;inductive sensor;inertia measurement;magnetic displacement sensors;micrometer scales;nanometer scales;position measurement;pressure measurement;subnanometer scales;vibration measurement;Capacitance;Capacitive sensors;Capacitors;Eddy currents;Electrodes;Magnetic sensors;Capacitive sensors;displacement;eddy current sensors;magnetic sensors.
Abstract: ...
This paper presents a review of the latest advances in the field of capacitive, inductive (eddy current), and magnetic sensors, for measurement of absolute displacement. The need for accurate displacement and position measurement in the micrometer, nanometer, and subnanometer scales has increased significantly over the last few years. Application examples can be found in high-tech industries, metrology, and space equipment. Besides measuring displacement as a primary quantity, absolute displacement sensors are also used when physical quantities such as pressure, acceleration, vibration, inertia, etc., have to be measured. A better understanding of the commonalities between capacitive, inductive, and magnetic displacement sensors, as well as the main performance differences and limitations, will help one make the best choice for a specific application. This review is based on both theoretical analysis and experimental results. The main performance criteria used are: sensitivity, resolution, compactness, long-term stability, thermal drift, and power efficiency. - A Power-Efficient Readout for Wheatstone-Bridge Sensors With COTS Components
H. Jiang; J. G. Vogel; S. Nihtianov;
IEEE Sensors Journal,
Volume 17, Issue 21, pp. 6986-6994, Nov 2017. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2017.2755074
Keywords: ...
bridge circuits;convertors;differential amplifiers;microsensors;operational amplifiers;piezoresistive devices;pressure measurement;pressure sensors;readout electronics;sigma-delta modulation;COTS component;CTΔΣM;MEMS piezoresistive differential pressure sensor;Wheatstone-bridge sensor;direct digital converter;off-the-shelf component;operational amplifier;power 7.58 mW;power 9.55 mW;power-efficient readout;pressure 12.7 mPa;resistance 0.41 mohm;second-order continuous-time sigma-delta modulator;time 0.5 ms;voltage 5 V;Bridge circuits;Clocks;Energy efficiency;Modulation;Radio frequency;Sensors;Topology;Direct digital converter;bridge sensor readout;continuous-time sigma-delta modulator;mPa-level differential pressure sensing.
Abstract: ...
This paper presents a direct digital converter for Wheatstone bridge sensors, which is realized with commercial off-the-shelf components. The power efficiency of the readout is enhanced by embedding the bridge sensor in a second-order continuous-time sigma-delta modulator (CTDeltaSigmaM). By directly digitizing the output signal of a Wheatstone bridge in the current mode, the noise performance is dominated by the operational amplifier in the first integrator and the bridge sensor. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed circuit, an MEMS piezoresistive differential pressure sensor is used. Measurement results show that a resolution of 12.7 mParms (0.41 mOhmrms), with a 0.5-ms conversion time, can be achieved. Powered by 5 V, the circuit and the bridge sensor draw 9.55 and 7.58 mW, respectively. - A 0.6 nm resolution 19.8mW eddy-current displacement sensor interface with 126MHz excitation
V. Chaturvedi; M.R. Nabavi; J.G. Vogel; K.A.A. Makinwa; S. Nihtianov;
In IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC),
pp. 174-175, 2017. DOI: 10.1109/ISSCC.2017.7870317 - A 0.6 nm resolution 19.8mW eddy-current displacement sensor interface with 126MHz excitation
V. Chaturvedi; M.R. Nabavi; J.G. Vogel; K.A.A. Makinwa; S. Nihtianov;
In IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC),
2017. DOI: 10.1109/ISSCC.2017.7870317 - An energy-efficient 3.7nV/ sqrtHz bridge-readout IC with a stable bridge offset compensation scheme
H. Jiang; K. A. A. Makinwa; S. Nihtianov;
In Proc. IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC),
pp. 172-173, Feb 2017. DOI: 10.1109/ISSCC.2017.7870316 - A 9.1 mW inductive displacement-to-digital converter with 1.85 nm resolution
V. Chaturvedi; J. G. Vogel; K. A. A. Makinwa; S. Nihtianov;
In 2017 Symposium on VLSI Circuits,
pp. C80-C81, June 2017. DOI: 10.23919/vlsic.2017.8008556 - An Energy-Efficient Readout Method for Piezoresistive Differential Pressure Sensors
H. Jiang; Kofi A. A. Makinwa; S. Nihtianov;
In Proc. IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference (IECON), Beijing,
Nov. 2017. - Humidity Sensitivity and Coil Design of a High-Precision Eddy-Current Displacement Sensor
Johan G. Vogel; Vikram Chaturvedi; Stoyan Nihtianov;
In Proc. Eurosensors Paris, France,
2017. DOI: 10.3390/proceedings1040283
Abstract: ...
Unlike capacitive displacement sensors, Eddy-Current Displacement Sensors (ECDSs) possess an inherently low sensitivity to environmental conditions, such as the humidity of the ambient air. By elevating the excitation frequency it is possible to mitigate their major limitations regarding stability and resolution, making them of interest for high-precision displacement sensing. However, by increasing the excitation frequency, ECDSs become less immune to environmental conditions, due to the inevitable parasitic capacitance of the sensing coil. In this work, we formulate a requirement for the minimum Self-Resonance Frequency (SRF) of the coil, based on the specified humidity variation and the allowable displacement error. This requirement provides an input for the design of the high-precision ECDS probe.
document - Chopping in Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta Modulators
H. Jiang; B. Gonen; K.A.A. Makinwa; S. Nihtianov;
In IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),
June 2017. DOI: 10.1109/iscas.2017.8050951 - A 9.1 mW inductive displacement-to-digital converter with 1.85 nm resolution
V. Chaturvedi; J. G. Vogel; K. A. A. Makinwa; S. Nihtianov;
In 2017 Symposium on VLSI Circuits,
pp. C80-C81, June 2017. DOI: 10.23919/vlsic.2017.8008556 - Chopping in Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta Modulators
H. Jiang; B. Gonen; K.A.A. Makinwa; S. Nihtianov;
In IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),
pp. 1-4, June 2017. DOI: 10.1109/iscas.2017.8050951 - An energy-efficient 3.7nV/ sqrtHz bridge-readout IC with a stable bridge offset compensation scheme
H. Jiang; K. A. A. Makinwa; S. Nihtianov;
In Proc. IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC),
pp. 172-173, Feb 2017. DOI: 10.1109/ISSCC.2017.7870316 - Lateral gas phase diffusion length of boron atoms over Si/B surfaces during CVD of pure boron layers
V. Mohammadi; S. Nihtianov;
AIP Advances,
Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 025103, 2016.
document - Chemical Vapor Deposition - Recent Advances and Applications in Optical, Solar Cells and Solid State Devices
V. Mohammadi; S. Nihtianov;
S. Neralla (Ed.);
InTech publisher, Chapter Low-Temperature, , pp. 137-157, 2016. ISBN 978-953-51-2573-0. - Influence of the surface oxide content of a boron capping layer on UV photodetector performance
V. Mohammadi; R.W.E. van de Kruijs; P.R. Rao; J.M. Sturm; S. Nihtianov;
In Proc. of the International Conference on Sensing Technology,
pp. 656-660, March 2016.
document - Investigation of error- and drift sources in a capacitive sensor system for sub-nanometer displacement measurement
R.S. Nojdelov; D. Voigt; A.S. van de Nes; S. Nihtianov;
In Proc. of the IEEE 9th International Conference on Sensing Technology,
IEEE, pp. -, 2016. Roumen S Nojdelova - EWI. - Suppression Efficiency of the Correlated Noise and Drift of Self-oscillating Pseudo-differential Eddy Current Displacement Sensor
V. Chaturvedi; J.G. Vogel; S. Nihtianov;
In Proc. of the 30th EuroSensors conference,
Sept. 2016. - Tilt sensitivity of an eddy-current position sensor for high-precision applications
J.G. Vogel; S. Nihtianov;
In Proc. of the 16th international conference of the EUSPEN,
2016. - Modelling the inductance of a novel eddy-current position sensor for high-precision applications
J.G. Vogel; S. Nihtianov;
In Proc. of the IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium,
pp. 1 - 5, Apr. 2016. - Study of the Self-resonance Frequency of a Flat Coil for an Eddy-Current Position Sensor
J.G. Vogel; S. Nihtianov;
In Proc. of the IEEE Sensors conference,
Oct. 2016. - Low temperature, 400 °C, pure boron deposition: A solution for integration of high-performance Si photodetectors and CMOS circuits
V. Mohammadi; S. Nihtianov;
In S Tadigadapa; J. Lee (Ed.), Proc. of the IEEE Sensors conference,
IEEE, pp. 1-4, 2015. harvest. - Investigation of long-term drift of NTC temperature sensors with less than 1 mK uncertainty
A. Kulkarni; M. Patrascu; Y. van de Vijver; J. van Wensveen; R. Pijnenburg; S. Nihtianov;
In W Suemitsu; C Couto (Ed.), Proc. of the IEEE 24th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics,
IEEE, pp. 150-155, 2015. Harvest. - Surface oxide content examination of capping boron layers in UV photodetectors
V. Mohammadi; P. Ramachandra Rao; R.W.E. van de Kruijs; S. Nihtianov;
In SR Bank; D Jena (Ed.), Proc. of the 73rd Annual Device Research Conference,
IEEE, pp. 73-74, 2015. harvest. - Stability characterization of high-performance PureB Si-photodiodes under aggressive cleaning treatments in industrial applications
V. Mohammadi; L. Shi; U. Kroth; C. Laubis; S. Nihtianov;
In LG Franquelo; BM Wilamowski (Ed.), Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology,
IEEE, pp. 3370-3376, 2015. Harvest. - Wireless Temperature Sensor for Harsh Industrial Environments
A. Kerezov; A. Kulkarni; S. Nihtianov;
In Y Fujimoto; P Xu (Ed.), Proc. of the IEEE 41st Annual Industrial Electronics Society Conference,
IEEE, pp. 3986-3991, 2015. Aditya Kulkarni - TNW. - Measuring in the subnanometer range: Capacitive and eddy current nanodisplacement sensors
S. Nihtianov;
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine,
Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 6-15, 2014. Harvest. - Highly-stable electronic sensor interface for capacitive position measurement
R. Nojdelov; S. Nihtianov;
Key Engineering Materials,
Volume 613, pp. 51-57, 2014. Harvest Chapter 2: Position & Displacement Metrology. - Numerical gas flow and heat transfer simulation in the ASM Epsilon 2000 CVD reactor for Pure Boron deposition
V. Mohammadi; S. Mohammadi; S. Ramesh; S. Nihtianov;
Annual Journal of Electronics,
Volume 8, pp. 28-31, 2014. - High efficiency UV photodiodes fabricated on p-type substrate
P. Ramachandra Rao; S. Milosavljevic; U. Kroth; C. Laubis; S. Nihtianov;
Annual Journal of Electronics,
Volume 8, pp. 24-27, 2014. - Dedicated Impedance-Sensor Systems
G. Meijer; X. Li; B. Iliev; G. Pop; Z. Y. Chang; S. Nihtianov; Z. Tan; A. Heidari; M. Pertijs;
In Smart Sensor Systems: Emerging Technologies and Applications,
John Wiley \& Sons, May 2014.
Abstract: ...
Impedance sensors can be defined as being a set of electrodes which can be used to measure electrical properties of materials or structures. Once these properties are known, it appears that the features of measurements performed with such sensors depend for a large part on the properties of the material or structure to be characterized and only partly on the characteristics of the electrodes. The electrical properties of the sensor in its application can be modeled with passive elements in equivalent electrical circuits. The challenging task for the designer is to make such a sensor system sensitive for the measurands and to obtain immunity for other parameters. In this chapter, we consider impedance sensors to be sensors in a certain measurement environment, and that in the electric model presentation of this setup there is at least one resistive or one reactive component of interest which has to be measured.
document - Capacitive sensor interface with improved dynamic range and stability
R. Nojdelov; S. Nihtianov;
In JC Miguez; D Slomovitz (Ed.), Proc. of the IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference,
IEEE, pp. 1373-1376, 2014. Harvest. - Error analysis of a charge-balancing capacitive sensor interface with resistive reference
R. Yang; S. Nihtianov;
In O Kaynak (Ed.), Proc. of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics,
IEEE, pp. 274-280, 2014. Harvest. - Capacitance-to-digital converter for accurate displacement measurement in the sub-nanometre range
R. Nojdelov; S. Nihtianov; A. Yacoot; D. Voigt;
In P Daponte (Ed.), Proc. of the 20th IMEKO TC4 Symposium on Measurements of Electrical Quantities: Research on Electrical and Electronic Measurement for the Economic Upturn,
IMEKO, pp. 347-352, 2014. Harvest Together with 18th TC4 International Workshop on ADC and DCA Modeling and Testing, IWADC 2014. - Noise analysis and characterization of a charge-balancing-based capacitive sensor interface with a resistive reference
R. Yang; S. Nihtianov;
In JC Miguez; D Slomovitz (Ed.), Proc. of the IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference,
IEEE, pp. 1182-1186, 2014. Harvest. - Backside illuminated CMOS image sensors for extreme ultraviolet applications
P. Ramachandra Rao; C. Laubis; S. Nihtianov;
In FJ Arregui (Ed.), Proc. of the IEEE Sensors conference,
IEEE, pp. 1660-1663, 2014. - An eddy-current displacement-to-digital converter based on a ratio-metric delta-sigma ADC
A. Fekri; M. Nabavi; N. Radeljic-Jakic; Z. Y. Chang; M. Pertijs; S. Nihtianov;
In Proc. European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC),
IEEE, pp. 403‒406, September 2014. DOI: 10.1109/esscirc.2014.6942107 - Capacitive sensor interface with precision references
R. Yang; M. A. P. Pertijs; S. Nihtianov; P. Haak;
In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT),
IEEE, pp. 358‒390, March 2014. DOI: 10.1109/icit.2014.6894896 - Stability characterization of high-sensitivity silicon-based EUV photodiodes in a detrimental environment
L. Shi; S. Nihtianov; L.K. Nanver; F. Scholze;
IEEE Sensors Journal,
Volume 13, Issue 5, pp. 1699-1707, 2013. Online publicatie dd 20 december 2012. - An interface for eddy-current displacement sensors with 15-bit resolution and 20 MHz excitation
M. R. Nabavi; M. A. P. Pertijs; S. Nihtianov;
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,
Volume 48, Issue 11, pp. 2868‒2881, November 2013. DOI: 10.1109/jssc.2013.2281692
Abstract: ...
This paper presents an integrated interface for eddy-current sensors (ECSs) for displacement measurement. The employed architecture helps bridging the performance gap between the requirements of demanding and precision industrial applications and the performance of existing ECS interfaces. The interface operates with a sensor excitation frequency of 20 MHz, which is more than one order of magnitude higher than typical values. This high excitation frequency limits the eddy-current penetration depth in the target down to a few tens of micrometers, thus enabling the use of thin targets required in precision applications. The proposed interface consists of a low-power front-end oscillator that incorporates the sensor, and a two-channel offset-compensated synchronous demodulator. A ratio-metric measurement approach along with offset and 1/f noise reduction techniques is applied to improve the system stability. The interface has been realized in a 0.35-μm 3.3 V BiCMOS technology and consumes 18 mW. Measurement results obtained using two flat sensing coils show a full-range non-linearity of the sensor interface of only 0.4\%, and a resolution of 15.5 bits (65 nm on a 3 mm measurement range), with 1 kHz signal bandwidth. This translates into 1.5 pico-Henry inductance-measurement resolution, which is comparable with the performance of the most advanced LCR meters. Using the proposed solution, a long-term instability below 20 ppm (for 17 hours) and a thermal drift of 30 ppm/°C are obtained without any temperature compensation. Compared to the state-of-the-art, the proposed interface achieves a considerably better trade-off between power consumption, resolution, bandwidth, and excitation frequency. - Smart Sensors and MEMS: Intelligent Devices and Microsystems for Industrial Applications
M.R. Nabavi; S. Nihtianov;
S. Nihtianov; A. Luque (Ed.);
Woodhead Publishing, Chapter Integrated indu, , pp. 76-101, 2013. - Smart Sensors and MEMS: Intelligent Devices and Microsystems for Industrial Applications
S. Xia; S. Nihtianov;
S. Nihtianov; A. Luque (Ed.);
Woodhead Publishing, Chapter Capacitive sens, , pp. 63-75, 2013. - Noise analysis of a capacitor-to-voltage converter with a zoom-in technique
A. Heidary; R. Taherkhani; S. Nihtianov;
In S Mukhopadhyay; {Mason et al}, A (Ed.), Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Sensing Technology,
IEEE, pp. 252-255, 2013. - A time/resistor-referenced capacitive sensor interface for displacement measurement in the sub-nanometer range
R. Yang; S. Nihtianov;
In RC Luo (Ed.), Proc. of the 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics,
IEEE, pp. 1-5, 2013. Harvest. - Integrated capacitive-sensor interface based on a multi-slope modulator
S. Nihtianov; Y. Cheng;
In GP Hancke; N Beute; Y Ibrahim (Ed.), Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology,
IEEE, pp. 966-971, 2013. Harvest. - Reactive sub-nanometer displacement sensors: advantages and limitations
S. Nihtianov;
In S Soyjaudah; {Armoogum et al}, V (Ed.), Proc. of the IEEE Africon,
IEEE, pp. 1-6, 2013. - Surface-charge-collection-enhanced high-sensitivity high-stability silicon photodiodes for DUV and VUV spectral ranges
L. Shi; S. Nihtianov; L. Haspeslagh; F. Scholze; A. Gottwald; L.K. Nanver;
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
Volume 59, Issue 11, pp. 2888-2894, 2012. Harvest. - Power-efficient high-speed and high-resolution capacitive-sensor interface for subnanometer displacement measurements
S. Xia; S. Nihtianov;
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,
Volume 61, Issue 5, pp. 1315-1322, 2012. Harvest Article number: 6151147. - Design strategies for eddy-current displacement sensor systems: Review and recommendations
M.R. Nabavi; S. Nihtianov;
IEEE Sensors Journal,
Volume 12, Issue 12, pp. 3346-3355, 2012. Harvest. - Comparative study of silicon-based ultraviolet photodetectors
L. Shi; S. Nihtianov;
IEEE Sensors Journal,
Volume 12, Issue 7, pp. 2453-2459, 2012. Harvest Article number: 6175098. - Electrical and optical performance investigation of si-based ultrashallow-junction p+-n VUV/EUV photodiodes
L. Shi; S. Nihtianov; S. Xia; L.K. Nanver; A. Gottwald; F. Scholze;
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,
Volume 61, Issue 5, pp. 1268-1277, 2012. Harvest Article number: 6163408. - A capacitance-to-digital converter for displacement sensing with 17b resolution and 20μs conversion time
S. Xia; K.A.A. Makinwa; S. Nihtianov;
In L Fujino (Ed.), Proc. of the IEEE international solid-state circuits conference digest of technical papers,
IEEE, pp. 198-199, 2012. Harvest Article number: 6176973. - Autonomous self-aligning and self-calibrating capacitive sensor system
O.S. van de Ven; D. Yang; S. Xia; J.P. van Schieveen; J.W. Spronck; R.H. Munnig Schmidt; S. Nihtianov;
In M Kamel; F Karray; H Hagras (Ed.), Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems,
Springer Verlag, pp. 10-17, 2012. - Electrical performance stability characterization of high-sensitivity Si-based EUV photodiodes in a harsh industrial application
L. Shi; S. Nihtianov; F. Scholze; L.K. Nanver;
In L Gomes; LG Chakraborty; D Irwin (Ed.), Proc. of the 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,
IEEE, pp. 3952-3957, 2012. - Comparison of different methods to cancel offset capacitance in capacitive displacement sensors
S. Xia; S. Nihtianov;
In G Brasseur (Ed.), Proc. of the IEEE international instrumentation and measurement technology conference,
IEEE, pp. 1838-1841, 2012. Harvest Article number: 6229448. - Contact creep in a thermal actuation mechanism
O.S. van de Ven; J.W. Spronck; S. Nihtianov; R.H. Munnig Schmidt;
In P. Shore; H. Spaan; T. Burke (Ed.), Proc. of the 12th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology,
EUSPEN, pp. 478-481, 2012. - An energy-efficient capacitive-sensor interface based on a multi-slope modulatior
Y. Cheng; S. Nihtianov;
In {Ivanov et al}, R (Ed.), Proc. of the International Scientific Conference Electronics,
Technical University of Sofia, pp. 65-68, 2012. - Design aspects of advanced eddy current sensor interface for industrial applications
M.R. Nabavi; S. Nihtianov;
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,
Volume 58, Issue 9, pp. 4414-4423, 2011. - Series resistance optimization of high-sensitivity Si-based VUV photodiodes
L. Shi; L.K. Nanver; A. Sakic; S. Nihtianov; T. Knezevic; A. Gottwald; U. Kroth;
In H Zhang; K. Lee; Y Yan; R Dyer (Ed.), Proc. of the IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference,
IEEE, pp. 1-4, 2011. - Performance optimization of self-alignment system for capacitive sensors
J. van Schieveen; R. Yang; S. Nihtianov; J. Spronck;
In S Bogosyan; K Ohnishi (Ed.), Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics,
IEEE, pp. 648-653, 2011. - Application challenges of capacitive sensors with floating targets
S. Nihtianov; G.C.M. Meijer;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proc. of the IEEE Africon,
IEEE, pp. 1249-1254, 2011. - Capacitive sensor system for sub-nanometer displacement measurement
S. Xia; S. Nihtianov;
In E Lewis; T Kenny (Ed.), Proc. of the IEEE Sensors conference,
IEEE, pp. 1173-1176, 2011. - A Ratio-metric Analog to Digital Converter for an Eddy Current Displacement Sensor
A. Fekri; M. R. Nabavi; M. Pertijs; S. Nihtianov;
In Proc. International Scientific Conference on Electronics,
Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 2011. - Electrical performance optimization of a silicon-based EUV photodiode with hear-theoretical quantum efficiency
L. Shi; L.K. Nanver; C. Laubis; F. Scholze; S. Nihtianov;
In {Esashi et al.}, M; Z Zhou (Ed.), Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems,
IEEE, pp. 48-51, 2011. - Zoom-in front-end circuit for high-performance capacitive displacement sensors
S. Xia; S. Nihtianov;
In X Yu; T Dillon (Ed.), Proc. of the 37th IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,
IEEE, pp. 2657-2662, 2011. - High-performance eddy current sensor interface for small displacement measurement
M.R. Nabavi; R. Yang; S. Nihtianov;
In {Dyer et al.}, C (Ed.), Proc. of the International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference,
IEEE, pp. 58-62, 2011. - Series Resistance Optimization of High-Sensitivity Si-based VUV Photodiodes
L. Shi; L.K. Nanver; A. Sakic; S. Nihtianov; T. Knezevic; A. Gottwald; U. Kroth;
In H Zhang; K. Lee; Y Yan; R Dyer (Ed.), IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference,
IEEE, pp. 1-4, 2011. - Zoom-in front-end for power-efficient high-speed and high-resolution capacitive sensor measurement system
S. Xia; S. Nihtianov;
In H Zhang; K. Lee; Y Yan; R Dyer (Ed.), Proc. of the IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference,
IEEE, pp. 159-163, 2011. - Highly stable capacitance-to-digital converter with improved dynamic range
R. Nojdelov; R. Yang; X. Guo; S. Nihtianov;
In S Mukhopadhyay; A Fuchs; KP Jayasundera (Ed.), Proc. of the IEEE Fifth International Conference on Sensing Technology,
IEEE, pp. 140-144, 2011. - Qualification of a stable capacitive sensor interface, based on capacitance-resistance comparison
R. Yang; A. Fekri; R. Nojdelov; S. Nihtianov;
In E Lewis; T Kenny (Ed.), Proc. of the IEEE Sensors conference,
IEEE, pp. 1181-1184, 2011. - High-sensitivity high-stability silicon photodiodes for DUV, VUV and EUV spectral ranges
L. Shi; S. Nihtianov; L.K. Nanver; F. Scholze; A. Gottwald;
In OH Siegmund (Ed.), Proc. of the SPIE 8145, 81450N,
SPIE, pp. 1-9, 2011. - Stability characterization of high-sensitivity silicon-based EUV photodiodes in a detrimental industrial environment
L. Shi; L.K. Nanver; S. Nihtianov;
In X Yu; T Dillon; Y Ibrahim; E Chang (Ed.), Proc. of the 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,
IEEE, pp. 2651-2656, 2011. - Error source identification and stability test of a precision capacitance measurement system
S. Nihtianov; X. Guo;
SAIEE Africa Research Journal,
Volume 101, Issue 3, pp. 106-111, 2010. NEO. - Pure boron chemical vapor deposited layers; A new material for silicon device processing
L.K. Nanver; T.L.M. Scholtes; F. Sarubbi; W.B. De Boer; G. Lorito; A. Sakic; S. Milosavljevic; C. Mok Kai Rine; L. Shi; S. Nihtianov; K Buisman;
In {Lojek et al}, B (Ed.), Proceedings 18th IEEE Conference on Advanced Thermal Processing of Semiconductors - RTP 2010,
IEEE, pp. 136-139, 2010. - Optical performance of B-layer ultra shallow junction silicon photodiodes in the VUV spectral range
L. Shi; F. Sarubbi; L.K. Nanver; U. Krothc A; A. Gottwald; S. Nihtianov;
In B Jakoby; M.J. Vellekoop (Ed.), Proceedings EuroSensors XXIV,
Elsevier, pp. 633-636, 2010. - Performance improvement of advanced capacitive displacement sensors in industrial applications
S. Nihtianov;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies 2010,
Coxmoor Publishing Company, pp. 875-884, 2010. - Optical stability investigation of high performance silicon based VUV photodiodes
L. Shi; L.K. Nanver; A. Sakic; S. Nihtianov; A. Gottwald; U. Krothc A;
In T Kenny; G Fedder (Ed.), Proceedings IEEE Sensors Conference 2010,
IEEE, pp. 132-135, 2010. - Optimized low-power thermal stepper system for harsh and inaccessible environments
R. Yang; J.P. van Schieveen; S. Nihtianov; J.W. Spronck;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings IECON 2010,
IEEE, pp. 1779-1784, 2010. - Electronic system for control of a thermally actuated alignment device
R. Yang; J.P. van Schieveen; S. Nihtianov; J.W. Spronck;
In {Rodríguez et al}, J (Ed.), Proceedings ICIT 2010,
IEEE, pp. 1581-1586, 2010. - Concept evaluation of a high performance self aligning capacitive displacement sensor
S. Xia; J.P. van Schieveen; S. Nihtianov; J.W. Spronck;
In {Rodríguez et al}, J (Ed.), Proceedings ICIT 2010,
IEEE, pp. 1575-1580, 2010. - Zoom in techniques in capacitance measurement
S. Xia; S. Nihtianov;
In SJ Ovcharov; KK Asparuhova (Ed.), Proceedings Electronics ET2010,
s.n., pp. 12-15, 2010. - VUV performance characterization of a silicon based ultrashallow junction photodiode
L. Shi; S. Nihtianov; L.K. Nanver; U. Krothc A;
In {French et al}, P (Ed.), Proceedings 13th SAFE Workshop of the STW.ICT Conference 2010,
STW, pp. 158-161, 2010. - Integrated auto alighment and calibration for high resolution capacitive sensor system
J.P. van Schieveen; J.W. Spronck; S. Nihtianov; R.H. Munnig Schmidt;
In H Spaan; P Shore (Ed.), Proceedings of the 10th international conference of the european spciety for precision engineering and nanotechnology,
EUSPEN, pp. 188-191, 2010. - A capacitive sensing technique for measuring displacement with floating target
X. Guo; S. Nihtianov;
In {Chakraborty et al}, C (Ed.), Proceedings 2010 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology,
IEEE, pp. 1565-1570, 2010. - An interface for eddy current displacement sensors with 15-bit resolution and 20 MHz excitation
M. R. Nabavi; M. A. P. Pertijs; S. Nihtianov;
In Proc. European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC),
IEEE, pp. 290‒293, September 2010. DOI: 10.1109/esscirc.2010.5619835 - A novel i nterface for eddy current displacement sensors
M.R. Nabavi; S. Nihtianov;
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,
Volume 58, Issue 5, pp. 1623-1632, 2009. - A new approach to high speed high resolution capacitive ratio measurement
S. Xia; S. Nihtianov;
s.n. (Ed.);
Electronics 2008, , pp. 121-124, 2009. - High performance capacitive sensor electronic interfaces for industrial applications
S. Nihtianov;
s.n. (Ed.);
sensor test 2009, , pp. 281-286, 2009. - high performance silicon based extreme ultraviolet radiation detector for industrial application
L. Shi; F. Sarubbi; S. Nihtianov; L.K. Nanver; T.L.M. Scholtes; F. Scholze;
s.n. (Ed.);
IEEE, , pp. 1891-1896, 2009. - Control system for high precision thermal actuation
yang ruimin; van schieveen jeroen; S. Nihtianov; spronck jo;
s.n. (Ed.);
Electronics 2008, , pp. 113-116, 2009. - High resolution low latency capacitive displacement sensor
S. Xia; J.P. van Schieveen; S. Nihtianov; J.W. Spronck;
s.n. (Ed.);
Electronics 2008, , pp. 117-120, 2009. - Stability Investigation of High Performance Silicon-Based DUV/EUV Photodiodes
L. Shi; F. Sarubbi; S. Nihtianov; L.K. Nanver; F. Scholze;
In P.J. French (Ed.), Proc. of SAFE 2009,
STW, pp. 530-533, 2009. - Thermal stepper: a high stability postioning system for micro adjustment
J.P. van Schieveen; J.W. Spronck; S. Nihtianov; R.H. Munnig Schmidt;
In {Spaan H. Brussel H van}, {Brinkmeijer E.} (Ed.), 9th international conference of the european society for precision engineering and nanatechnology: san sebastian, spain,
EUSPEN, pp. 110-114, 2009. - MHz-range interface for inductive displacement sensors
M.R. Nabavi; S. Nihtianov;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings SENSOR 2009 Conference, Volume I,
AMA Service, pp. 269-274, 2009. - Low-power front-end of eddy current sensor interfaces for industrial applications
M.R. Nabavi; S. Nihtianov;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of IECON 2009,
IEEE, pp. 3417-3422, 2009. - Stability considerations in a new interface circuit for inductive position sensors
M.R. Nabavi; S. Nihtianov;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of ICECS 2009,
IEEE, pp. 932-935, 2009. - Precision measurement of the low-frequency noise of highly-stable capacitance-to-digital converter
X. Guo; S. Nihtianov;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of ISMTII 2009,
D. S. Rozhdestvensky Optical Society, pp. 167-171, 2009. - MHz-range interface for inductive displacement sensors
M.R. Nabavi; S. Nihtianov;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of sensor+test conference,
pp. 269-274, 2009. - Radiation detector, method of manufacturing a radiation detector and lithographic apparatus comprising a radiation detector
S. Nihtianov; L.K. Nanver; F. Sarubbi; T.L.M. Scholtes;
2009. - RAdiation detector, method of manufacturing a radiation detector and lithographic apparatus comprising a radiation detector
S. Nihtianov; L.K. Nanver; F. Sarubbi; T.L.M. Scholtes;
2009. - Characterization of new EUV stable silicon photodiodes
F. Scholze; C. Laubis; F. Sarubbi; L.K. Nanver; S. Nihtianov;
conference, 2008. s.n.. - An interfacing for eddy current displacement sensors with power considerations
M.R. Nabavi; S. Nihtianov;
s.n. (Ed.);
Sense of Contact 2009, , pp. 1-6, 2008. - A fast interface for low-value capacitive sensors with improved accuracy
R. Nojdelov; S. Nihtianov;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of I2MTC 2008,
I2MTC2012, pp. 1576-1580, 2008. - Design of reliable interface system for eddy current displacement sensors in vacuum environments
M.R. Nabavi; S. Nihtianov;
In J Popp; s.n. (Ed.), ISCAS 2008, IEEE International Symposium,
IEEE, pp. 2090-2093, 2008. - A low-power interface for eddy current displacement sensors in sub-micron applications
M.R. Nabavi; S. Nihtianov;
In s.n. (Ed.), The IMTC IEEE 2008 proceedings,
I2MTC2012, pp. 17-20, 2008. - Response time of silicon photodiodes for DUV/EUV radiation
S. Xia; F. Sarubbi; R. Naulaerts; S. Nihtianov; L.K. Nanver;
In B Rassa (Ed.), The IMTC IEEE 2008 proceedings,
I2MTC2012, pp. 1956-1959, 2008. - High-performance DUV/EUV photodiodes in a pure boron doping technology
F. Sarubbi; L.K. Nanver; T.L.M. Scholtes; S. Nihtianov; F. Scholze;
In s.n. (Ed.), The annual workshop on semiconductor advances for future electronics and sensors,
STW, pp. 588-591, 2008. - The dependence of shallow-junction DUV/EUV photodiodes response time on illuminated area
S. Xia; S. Nihtianov;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of sense of contact X,
Sense of Contact 2009, pp. 1-1, 2008. - The high-tech world of lithography
S. Nihtianov;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of Electronics-ET 2008,
Electronics 2008, pp. 15-24, 2008. - Response time of shallow junction silicon photodiodes
L. Shi; S. Xia; F. Sarubbi; R. Naulaerts; S. Nihtianov; L.K. Nanver;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of Electronics 2008,
Electronics 2008, pp. 21-26, 2008. - Pure boron-doped photodiodes: a solution for radiation detection in EUV lithography
F. Sarubbi; L.K. Nanver; T.L.M. Scholtes; S. Nihtianov; F. Scholze;
In S Hall (Ed.), IEEE 38th european solid-state device research conference,
IEEE, pp. 278-281, 2008. - Extremely ultra-shallow p+-n boron-deposited silicon diodes applied to DUV photodiodes
F. Sarubbi; L.K. Nanver; T.L.M. Scholtes; S. Nihtianov;
In J Appenzeller (Ed.), 66th annual device research conference,
IEEE, pp. 143-144, 2008. - High-Precision Read-Out Circuit for Thermistor Temperature Sensor
R. Wu; K.A.A. Makinwa; J.H. Huijsing; S. Nihtianov;
Springer, , pp. -, 2007. - Capacitance to digital converter
S. Nihtianov; R. Nojdelov; E. Van Doren;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium,
IEEE, pp. 1-4, 2007. - Capacitance meter
S. Nihtianov; R. Nojdelov;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of Electronics ET 2007,
s.n., pp. 123-128, 2007. - A survey of Eddy current displacement sensors: Imperfections and signal conditioning methods
M.R. Nabavi; S. Nihtianov;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of Electronics ET 2007,
s.n., pp. 116-122, 2007. - A fast charge-meter for interfacing capacitive sensors
S. Nihtianov; R. Nojdelov; E. Van Doren;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of Africon 2007,
IEEE, pp. 317-322, 2007. - Selection of Capacitive Sensor interface for high-precision application
S.V. Ulyashyn; S. Nihtianov;
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings Electronics ET2006,
Electronics ET, pp. 204-209, 2006. - SC interface for capacitive and voltage measurements with extended linear range
V.P. Iordanov; G.C.M. Meijer; S.N. Nihtianov;
In s.n. (Ed.), ProRISC 2003 Program for research on integrated systems and circuits,
Stichting voor de Technische Wetenschappen, pp. 195-201, 2003. CD-ROM. - 34.4: SC interface for capacitive measurements with extended linear range
V.P. Iordanov; G.C.M. Meijer; S.N. Nihtianov;
In Proceedings of IEEE sensors: first IEEE international conference on sensors. Vol. II,
IEEE, pp. 1436-1439, 2002. - SC interface with extended linear range
V.P. Iordanov; G.C.M. Meijer; S. Nihtianov;
In s.n. (Ed.), ET 2002 The eleventh international scientific and applied science conference. Book 1,
Technical University, pp. 107-112, 2002. niet eerder opgevoerd. - An interface circuit for R-C impedance sensors with a relaxation oscillator
S.N. Nihtianov; G.P. Shterev; B.P. Iliev; G.C.M. Meijer;
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,
Volume 50, Issue 6, pp. 1563-1567, 2001. - Impedance measurements with second-order harmonic oscillator for testing food sterility
S. Nihtianov; G.P. Shterev; N. Petrov; G.C.M. Meijer;
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,
Volume 50, Issue 4, pp. 976-980, 2001. - Non-destructive sterility and leakage testing of packaged food products by smart impendance measurements: voortgangs rapport 4
S. Nihtianov; G.C.M. Meijer;
Technische Universiteit Delft, Faculty ITS, , 2001. DEL 66.4369. - A multi-period interface system for impedance measurements
B. Iliev; S. Nihtianov; G.P. Shterev; G.C.M. Meijer;
In SIcon'01:conference proceedings,
IEEE, pp. 276-280, 2001. - Interface circuit for impedance measurement to test sterility of food products
S. Nihtianov; G.P. Shterev; N. Petrov; G.C.M. Meijer;
{C Nemarich} (Ed.);
IEEE, , pp. 687-691, 2000. - A novel technique to measure two independent components of impedance sensors with a simple relaxation oscillator
S. Nihtianov; G.P. Shterev; B. Iliev; G.C.M. Meijer;
{C Nemarich} (Ed.);
IEEE, , pp. 674-678, 2000. - A new concept for impedance sensor interfacing with first order oscillator
S. Nihtianov; G.C.M. Meijer;
In The eight national scientific and applied conference ELECTRONICS '99: proceedings book 1,
Technical University Sofia, pp. 62-67, 2000. - A new concept for impedance sensor interfacing with first order oscillator
S. Nihtianov; G.C.M. Meijer;
In Proceedings, book 1,
Technical University Sofia, pp. 62-67, 2000. - A system for testing the sterility of food products with impedance measurement
G.P. Shterev; S. Nihtianov; N. Petrov; G.C.M. Meijer;
In ET'2000: proceedings book 1,
s.n., pp. 79-86, 2000. - Interface system for impedance measurement based on a relaxation oscilator
B. Iliev; S. Nihtianov; G.P. Shterev; G.C.M. Meijer;
In ET'2000: proceedings book 1,
s.n., pp. 71-78, 2000. - Non-destructive on-line sterility testing of long-shelf-life aseptically packaged food products by impedance mearurements
S. Nihtianov; G.C.M. Meijer;
In 1999 IEEE Autotestcon proceedings,
IEEE, pp. 243-249, 1999.
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