MSc thesis projects - Biomedical Devices
Here is a list of possible MSc thesis projects related to the theme
Biomedical Devices. This is intended just to
give an idea, actual projects are usually defined after discussion with the
Bioimpedance Monitoring
Peristalsis Monitoring
Skin/tissue impedance sensor node

MSc students
- Sofia Mariani
- Jerry Alberto
- Joost Bom
- Jianing Guo
- Jannis Syngelakis
- Rens Ursem (2024)
- Robbert Nederhoff (2024)
- Zehao Li (2024)
- Yukun Lian (2024)
- Amar Zouboye (2024)
- Pim Lindeman (2022)
- Zakaria Abdellaoui (2022)
- Tom Kolukisaoğlu (2022)
- Bastiaan Burgers (2021)
- Wencong Xu (2020)
- Thomas Bakker (2019)
- Kiren Newadj (2019)